woensdag, januari 03, 2007

Happy new year !

A little reflection on what was and what has to come invited me to subscribe the following blog. The last year was a rocky one for me and I liked the way how the Amsterdam people 'scared away the ghosts from 2007' Especially on the newmarket ( nieuwmarkt) there was an extreme good way of 'chasing away the ghosts' :-)

I always liked to be in 'the area' as long as I lived in Amsterdam. Cannot explain it in simple words, unless you are a close friend of me.

Today I went there to give my close friends ans nice acquentences my best regards and personal whishes for the comming year.

Started out with a colleague of mine from acting and had a wonderfull first hour in the coffeshop she works besides the acting jobs... They sell great stuff by the way :-)

Next I went to my close and very nice friend 'Dre' in a shop I worked also, very nice stay and close and personal chat between mates describes my stay the best :-)

I quickly went in the bar opposite because I mentioned personal friends, but there was also a guy I didn't like to see, so a quick newyear and went to another bar to meet a girlfriend. Chilled out and had fun !!!

( years back when i worked in the Sheeba ... )

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