maandag, september 26, 2011

Manual:MailPress:Upgrading - MailPress

First, read cautiously the following guidelines : Backing up your WordPress files and database.

For any upgrade of MailPress,

  • READ readme.txt file, it contains usefull information for a cool update of your plugin.
  • Follow Upgrading procedure in readme.txt.

Following these simple rules, will ensure you a nice upgrade of your MailPress installation and will alleviate support.

Never use WordPress automatic upgrade : you will loose the content of mailpress/mp-content and mailpress/tmpfolders !

Xml format has changed in 5.0.1, for mp-content/advanced/newsletters files.

  1. Point your browser to "Plugins > MailPress Add-ons" page and deactivate all add ons.
  2. Point your browser to "Plugins" page and deactivate MailPress plugin.
  3. Save mailpress/tmp folder + your MP theme + any customized file in mailpress/mp-content/advanced (since 5.0.1,xml format changed in mp-content/advanced/newsletters).
  4. Delete wp-content/plugins/mailpress folder.
  5. Unzip the MailPress package.
  6. Upload the mailpress folder into wp-content/plugins.
  7. Make sure the wp-content/plugins/mailpress/tmp folder is writable.
  8. Restore mailpress/tmp folder + your MP theme + any customized file in mailpress/mp-content/advanced (since 5.0.1,xml format changed in mp-content/advanced/newsletters).
  9. If you implemented page or category template, upgrade from mailpress/mp-content/xtras folder if necessary.
  10. Refresh "Plugins" page and activate MailPress plugin.
  11. Activate MailPress previous add-ons (Plugins > MailPress Add-ons) + new ones such as Newsletter or Comment if previously used.

MailPress themes and templates do not need to be changed if customized in a previous MailPress release.

Thank you !

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